ArcGIS Portal Directory | Home | Login | Signup | Generate Token |
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JSON | API Reference |
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description: | <font size="2" style="color: rgb(100, 149, 237);">The information contained in this website is provided as a public service to the citizens of Goldsboro and to the Internet community. All information on this website is created for City of Goldsboro internal use. The information available from this website is subject to change on a regular basis, without notice. While the City of Goldsboro makes every effort to provide useful and accurate information, the city and employees make no warranty as to the correctness or accuracy of the information whether express or implied, in fact or in law, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use. Users are advised that their use of any City of Goldsboro GIS Data is at their own risk.<br /><br />The City of Goldsboro has no control of or liability for information on other pages linked to this website.<br /><br />The City of Goldsboro does not monitor any linked resources and cannot guarantee their accuracy. Statements, views and opinions included in an independent provider's material are strictly those of the authors. These views may not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of the City of Goldsboro, or employees.</font> |
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